
class int = 1, nnodes: int = 1, localMode: bool = True, useGpu: bool = True, deepspeedConfig: Union[str, Dict[str, Any], None] = None)[source]


run(train_object, *args, **kwargs)

Runs distributed training.

Methods Documentation

run(train_object: Union[Callable, str], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Optional[Any][source]

Runs distributed training.

train_objectcallable object or str

Either a PyTorch function, PyTorch Lightning function, or the path to a python file that launches distributed training.

args :

If train_object is a python function and not a path to a python file, args need to be the input parameters to that function. It would look like

>>> model =, 1e-3, 64)

where train is a function and 1e-3 and 64 are regular numeric inputs to the function.

If train_object is a python file, then args would be the command-line arguments for that python file which are all in the form of strings. An example would be

>>>"/path/to/", "--learning-rate=1e-3", "--batch-size=64")

where since the input is a path, all of the parameters are strings that can be handled by argparse in that python file.

kwargs :

If train_object is a python function and not a path to a python file, kwargs need to be the key-word input parameters to that function. It would look like

>>> model =, tol=1e-3, max_iter=64)

where train is a function of 2 arguments tol and max_iter.

If train_object is a python file, then you should not set kwargs arguments.

Returns the output of train_object called with args inside spark rank 0 task if the

train_object is a Callable with an expected output. Returns None if train_object is a file.